“You are the sister to the wolf and friend to the hawk. You know in your heart the language of the plants and the songs of the wind. You have an innate connection to the wild edges. You know the beauty of the bee in flight, and hear the call of freedom on the horizon. And yet, as you go through your day today, it may be easy to miss the drum call of the Earth.”
– Wild Woman
The Green Witch is one who sources her sense of power and nourishment from the Earth itself. She is one who might feel deeply connected to plants and animals and finds balance with time outside.
The Green Witch likely spends more time than most contemplating the understanding that we are nature.
In our exploration of the earth and forest archetype, we look at reciprocal relationships with the earth as a source of power and grounding.
You might be a green witch if:
Spending time outside is how you care for yourself
You love to spend time in the woods or garden
You work with plant or animal guides
You pay attention to seasonal cycles let them guide your actions
You offer as much as you take, living in reciprocal relationship with the earth
You feel the earth’s animacy deeply
Join me for today’s talk and Green Witch-inspired meditation.
**Thank you to Nick McMahan for today’s soundscape design, creation and editing; and thank you to Brianna Nielsen for production and editing support of this episode.
Mini Meditation: Green Witch Meditation
meditation by Meryl Arnett; soundscape by Nick McMahan
Grab your journal and headphones, get comfy, and join us!
TBR: To Be Read for the Green Witch
Some of my favorite earthy reads…
Psst. Don’t forget, you don’t have to buy these books; go visit your local library instead 😉
*all of the content shared in my podcasts, newsletters & meditations is written by me {Meryl Arnett}. If you catch a mistake or typo, I hope it makes you smile knowing a real person is behind every word published 💛